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Student Aid

FAFSA Verification


Every year the U. S. Department of Education selects a percentage of Free Applications for Federal Student Aid (FAFSAs) for an accuracy check called Verification. Those applications selected for verification will need certain additional information submitted to allow them to be checked for accuracy before any Federal Student Aid can be offered.

What am I required to do during the Verification process?

Students selected will be notified via UM Student Email and Banner Self Service, with information provided on requirements needed to complete verification.

For assistance with FAFSA Verification:

Visit the UM Student Aid Office (Palmer Hall) or call 205-665-6050.

Are there deadline dates?

All Verification documents should be received by the UM Student Aid Office by August 1 of the aid year to guarantee a student will be provided with a financial aid package before the start of the fall semester and by December 1 of the aid year to guarantee that a student will be provided with a financial aid package before the start of the spring semester. UM does NOT offer Federal Student Aid until the Verification process is complete. Don’t wait! Complete Verification as soon as possible!